Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's just a little crush...

Okay. So I've been really good about not gushing too much about my "boyfriend" Jason Varitek.

However....I was supposed to attend an event that he was sponsoring a few weeks back - but then I found out he wasn't going to be there. He was going to be hosting the Celebrity Putt Putt that he does yearly - on the same night. ." I was all set with the cutest outfit, and the best shoes I had bought for this night too -- which I still have yet to wear....but I digress.

So, I tried to get tickets online -- but all the sites said that it was sold out. So what's a girl to do? I'm not really a stalker, I just pretend to be one! So, I sucked it up and just didn't go. I figured, "maybe next year".


One of my girlfriends left me a voice mail the next morning about how she and her husband were driving by Flynn Rink in Medford and saw all sorts of craziness going on. So they stopped in to see what it was. No tickets, or anything….and wouldn't you know they got in to the event…... and got to meet Jason? Um, hello!? They had their photos taken with him and everything. You should've seen me, I practically drove off the road as I listened to her message. I was one - very excited for them because truthfully, how cool is that to stumble upon? And two - well, we're talking about Jason here! (Sigh…I can't help it, I'm starting to gush.)

So, I've been avoiding looking at any photos of the event, because well truthfully, I just don't want to see what I missed out on. But for some reason, yesterday afternoon I thought "hmmm. I wonder how it was?" Okay, I am blown away that I didn't even attempt to go. What is wrong with me? I only looked at about 5 pictures so far and I saw Mike Timlin, Josh Beckett, Julio Lugo (who I still want traded, but he looks like a nice enough guy!) and of course... Jason. I had to close the site down because really, I just do not want to see anymore.

The salt is in the wound…I get it.
Sigh…… Maybe next year.


David Sullivan said...

"I was all set with the cutest outfit, and the best shoes I had bought for this night too -- which I still have yet to wear"

Are you sure you don't have stalker tendencies?

Suldog said...

Hey, if you want, you can come out to one of my games and pretend I'm him. Just imagine me as 4 inches taller and 20 years younger. And actually being paid to play. And with a full head of hair. And...

Ah, skip it.

Tim said...

you do know that he's married with three daughters, right?

Still though, if you're going to have a crush, I suppose the Captain is as good as any...

now if only a few attractive women would play pro-ball.....

Susan said...

Wear the outfit anyway!

Lloyd L. Corricelli said...

Stalker, total stalker! ;)

chesneygirl said...

Aawe, Rebecca! What a total bummer!!

At least now you know for the next time... go anyway, you never know!!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of stalking just so long as you're not smothering him with a chloroform rag and stuffing him into a burlap sack.

Rebecca said...

hahaha, I'm so not a stalker! ;)
Of course I know he's married with three kids. I love that he's a great husband and Dad. He's like the whole package. I don't want him for REAL. I just think he's very handsome, and have a crush. :)

Can't a girl have a crush? ;)

Martie said...

Wow, I bet you could just give yourself a kick in the backside for opting to not go, huh? Live and learn! Hugs!!!!

Tim said...

sure you can.... go nuts.