Friday, July 20, 2007

Attention all Moms/Aunts/Grandma types who live near me:

Okay, the cake I'm about to post up on this site for you to see was made at.....
Market Basket in Wilmington.

Their cakes are "to die for!" And this one, exceeded all expecations I had - and let me tell you, they were pretty darn high to start with. Well, sounds silly that they were high since I had a supermarket make it as opposed to like, Rosies or something. But the bakery items at this store are so gorgeous - they're almost too pretty to eat. And this one - takes the cake.

They've asked me to make prints for them to post in the bakery area. Naturally, I'm happy to oblige.

So, obviously this weekend is the birthday bash for my aforementioned Princess Petunia. I just got home from a kickin' yoga class which I needed badly since I've been on the go since 8 a.m. - and haven't even started cooking yet. IParty, The Restaurant Depot, Market Basket, Shaws, Walmart, Target, Colarusso's Farm Stand.. the list goes on. I am a one woman event coordinator/caterer/cook. (Sound of the heavens opening up and angels singing HERE). Could I get an IV of caffeine please? No, truthfully - I only have to cook a little, organize alot and finish setting up the tables and chairs in the yard. And then I can call it a day.

Collage of the day to follow soon, I promise.

Behold....the Tinkerbell cake.

And trust me - this picture does it no justice.

They even spelled her middle name wrong, and you know what - I don't even care.


Hale McKay said...

What a great looking cake! I have seen the cakes put out by Market Baskets in the area, and you are right, they do a magnificent job.

Reading the previous post - what a lovely name (Sofia Anjolie) for a lovely little girl. (That doesn't exclude the fact that she has a lovely mom too.)

Susan said...

Holy moley that's a fantastic cake!!

Martie said...

That is an awesome looking cake.....and the birthday girl in the post below.....A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!