Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day...

I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United States of America.
And to the Republic, for which it stands...
One nation, under God, indivisible....
With liberty....and justice for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance should always be said in schools. There should never be a debate, a question or a hesitation regarding it.

I don't care who your God is.....and it doesn't matter who my God is.
Whomever the God is that you choose to pray to, is also who is watching this one nation - but they should be referred to as the generic term of "God". That term sort of covers all bases, does it not?

If you live in this country, you should honor and respect the liberties and freedoms we have by saying the pledge of allegiance with your hand over your heart; and I believe that it belongs in school systems all over this country and said every morning.

This isnt a Bible passage; it's a pledge of respect to the flag of the United States.
If anyone sees it as anything other than such....then I'm sorry.
Maybe you should live elsewhere.

Maybe you need to remember that days like the 4th of July aren't about fireworks, and parades. It's about the day that this country won it's independence from England - and our democracy was born. It was the beginning of becoming the nation that we are today, and I'm so thankful to be an American. I don't believe in jumping on the trendy bandwagon of feeling "ashamed" because so many countries "hate" us right now. No matter what happens, and there will always be things that our government will do that we won't always like, I will never turn my back on my country or the flag.


Tim said...

I agree wholeheartedly.

Have a happy 4th.

Lori said...

Well said.

David Sullivan said...

Happy belated 4th!!

Sarah said...

I think if you don't want to say God, just dont say that part of the Pledge. People dont need to make as big a fuss about it as has been made.

Susan said...

The rant I could go on about this is unbelievable...let's say we need to make English the national language and stop catering to everyone.