Friday, June 08, 2007

Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye...

Big television weekend.

The Soprano’s Series Finale is Sunday night. I can’t wait to find out what happens. I have my own theories, and what’s so great about the ending of this show, is that it can’t be a predicable ending. There are too many layers, too many characters, too many things left “open ended” that just about anything is possible. When it’s over, the loose ends might be frustrating – but for now, it make the possibilities endless and so to me – the finale and the anticipation of the “what if’s” is that much more exciting!

So here are a few of my possible scenarios for what will happen in this episode. The definitive ending, well that I’m not quite sure on what I think will happen outside of the fact that I don’t think Tony will be killed.

1. Meadow will be killed. I think one of two things will happen: 1. Meadow is dating Pat Parisi’s son. Patsy is a rat to the Feds. I think that Tony’s gang (what’s left of them) will try to whack Patsy, but Meadow and her boyfriend will be caught in the crossfire – and that is going to send Tony into a tailspin, self destructive and vengeful – and he will go right after everyone, including those from his own crew. OR 2. I read a spoiler somewhere that I think I agree with, and that is Meadow will be driving Tony’s car and Phil’s crew will not know that it’s not Tony – and will shoot the car out, killing her. Of course that would cause Tony go after Phil and his crew with a vengeance.

2. No Gang War. I don’t think there will be a “St. Valentine’s Day’ type massacre. I think it’s going to be very stealthlike, and I think Tony will do a lot of the killing himself.

The rest of it – I really don’t have a clue. So many possibilities. So many characters to involve. And I’m thinking that it’s entirely possible of some sort of montage of all the main characters that had been killed off, appearing to Tony in a dream or a vision. But I don’t know that I believe that anyone who’s “dead” comes back.

What would be really lousy, would be if it ends in Dallas fashion – where this is all a dream....or a reflection of what happened earlier in his life and we find Tony waking up in jail or a hospital somewhere. But I tend to doubt that’s the case.

Either way, this weekend we say goodbye to yet another show that has become such an integral part of our culture, our lives, and in some way - our friendships. The Sopranos opened a whole new world of "coffee talk" in the office, and amongst each other in general.

Sort of puts you in the mood for a capicola and pepper sub, doesn't it?


Sassy said...

I can honestly say I've never seen one single episode of the Sopranos. Might be time to start getting it on DVD from Netflix. But I'll take that sub any me some Italians. So much that I'm marrying into them. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, was just wondering what you thought of the final episode. Cool blog. Found it on Youk's comments, where you left the URL.
