Thursday, September 07, 2006

Political Swordfighting

Yup. There's a whole lot of testosterone flowing in Massachusetts tonight.

I just finished watching the Massachusetts Democratic Primary Debate in the race for Governor. The attacking that went on was not only surprising - it really left me cold. Inside politics are part of the game....if one is running for candidacy in public office, surely they must be expecting them to take place. But to cry about them during a debate, as opposed to answering questions - well, that is poor sportsmanship in my opinion. Especially during a debate at this level. The final two candidates aren't even in place yet. A little friendly mudslinging at the next level might be more appropo.

That being said, I walked into watching this debate leaning towards one candidate...and left finding myself surprisingly leaning towards another.

Truly, this debate in of itself did little for me to narrow down the candidates. I felt the questions weren't really reflective of alot of the concerns facing the state today; and what they did address - was rather superficial.

I guess I better start brushing up on the backgrounds of two of the candidates I'm less familiar with.
If I like what I find.....I may surprise even myself when I place my vote on September 19th.


Martie said...

Politicians.....aaarrrrgggghhhh! Enough said!!!

Anonymous said...

I am curious - who did you like before the debate and who after?

As for the substance of the debate, I thought it was infinitely greater than any of the ridiculous commercials these guys have been putting on the air. There was some good discussion of taxes and improving the economy. (Maybe my expectations were very low going in.)

For a very funny summary of the debate, I recommend this blog:

bigwhitehat said...

Ignore them both and vote for Mitt.

Rebecca said...

Anonymous - OMG, thanks for referring that blog. It was PERFECT. hahahha. I laughed my butt off. Very appropo! ;)

It's not so much who I liked, so much as who I thought I was going to like. The Angry Old Man I thought was going to be my choice -- and surprisingly enough, ended up leaning towards the Smooth Talking Partisan line crosser.

But as I mentioned, for me anyway - not enough of the issues that I was interested in were addressed, nor were any of the subjects that were discussed, laid out in enough depth for my liking.

BWH: I have mixed feelings about Mitt. I guess it depends on who he has for competition on both sides. My vote is up for grabs in this arena.