Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm an Auntie Times Two! And Annabelle or Annabella? Or Anna At All..

At 4:40 this morning, my girlfriend Jennifer gave birth to her first child! She's been on bed rest in the hospital for three weeks now (incompetent cervix) - and gave birth in her 28th week. Very, very early....But fortunately, the miracles of modern medicine and the WONDERFUL Beth Israel Hospital NICU Unit will take great care of her little one, and I'm sure he'll be just perfect - I'm even willing to bet that they get to bring him home before his due date.

Eric Scott, born 8/28 - 2lbs 10 oz

My sister is due the day after my birthday (she's due September 18th) with her second, a little girl. Names floating around are either Morgan or Annabelle. Me personally - I prefer Morgan. But, not my choice to make. I think her husband wants the name Annabelle because no one else wants it. ;)

The name Annabella would be pretty, like Annabella Sciorra - but then I realized, no one calls Annabella Sciora "Annabella"...everyone says her name "Annabella Sciorra" like that's her first name, you know what I mean? Annabella and Annabelle are sort of awkward names, don't you think?

PS: Tyler picked out the colors for this post! :)

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