Thursday, December 30, 2010

Almost over....

So, I'm happy to say that the holiday season is almost over.
I'm really looking forward to the end of the work day's been a fantastic holiday season for business - but truth be told, I'm tired at this point. And very ready to enjoy a little downtime.

I've not taken a day off since August - and prior to that, hadn't taken one since the previous July. I've yet to make a Wrentham run this year (try to conceal your surprise! it's total shock and awe to me when I think about it....), I've barely been consistent with yoga - and I never got that massage I needed. Actually, I need to get back to acupuncture because my headaches are becoming worse and worse again.

Needless to say, I've neglected myself once again. But that's okay -- in due time, I'll get to spoil myself a bit. I plan on taking a day off in January for a little Wrentham Therapy; and I'd like to get to the mall now that the holiday insanity is over to capitalize on all those excellent gift cards I received for my birthday.

And I will be back to yoga (after a good pedicure, of course....) and acupuncture.

Tomorrow I'll post my yearly toast to the new year - and then of course, my resolutions shortly thereafter; and suffice to say there will be a bit more things about me in them this year!

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