Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You know why people are so LOUD?
Probably because they are constantly trying to talk over the television set.

Seriously - do you know someone who insists on keeping the television volume on 80 out of 100?
I do.

And it drives me out of my mind.....


Anonymous said...

If I were you I would eliminate that person from your life...I would NEVER put up with such annoyance..I mean imagine the GALL, I would ask that person to leave the Castle immediately, especially while the Queen wants quiet...The nerve of some peasants..Oh well hopefully things will get better you poor thing..Sigh

Rebecca said...

My loyal subject,

You shouldn't take my post so seriously. Besides, you have to admit that it WAS exceptionally loud last night...

Tsk, tsk... don't piss off the Queen... otherwise, "off with your head!" ;) xoxo