Monday, August 30, 2010

Recharged and Re-energized.....

I feel good.
Vacation, though stressful at times with two kids who tend to like to fight -- was really great.

New York was so much fun and as always, was not a long enough stay. We need to go back again! And Hershey Park....if you've never been, I highly encourage it. It was so much fun - and so clean - and truly, they think of everything when it comes to food. I mean truly, from Falafel to Grilled Chicken Salads to typical carnival fare - they have it all. And then of course...there's the chocolate. I'm personally not a huge chocolate person, but it was hard to resist all the free candy; especially the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

I've got a few rants regarding my travel, but I'll save them for another day. Instead today, I present to you, the pictoral review of the "I'm Just a Girl Family Vacation"....

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