Wednesday, July 21, 2010


There is nothing like using fresh herbs when you cook.

I mean, dried herbs are a necessity in the house -but they don't nearly represent as well as fresh.

And fresh from the supermarket is definitely better; but nothing, and I mean nothing comes close to the fabulous taste of herbs freshly picked from your own garden, or herb planter.

Tonight, I'm making a very simple chop suey; but to add the fresh basil and golden oregano truly just makes it come to life.

And it really tastes like summer... !


Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more! Funny you should post this as I just came across my laminated Chef's Guide to Herbs & Spices that I thought was lost forever. Literally just put it down. I love it! From drying, tips & tricks, storing, definitions, uses, preparation, marinades, blends, growing and making butters, oils and vinegars with them. Oh I need to cook now!

jenandmolly said...

Ohhhh What's golden oregano??

Unknown said...

mmmmmm sounds yummy! I actually very rarely use fresh herbs because I always decide to cook at the last minute and then just have to use whatever I can find in the kitchen. Maybe this evening I will plan ahead!
Found your blog by clicking the next blog button! LoL
feel free to come visit me! no pressure

Rebecca said...

Wendy: SO much fun! I made a delicious basil butter for corn on the cob. And I love to infuse oils and vinegars too!

Jenn: Golden oregano isn't bitter like regular oregano; it's a pretty yellow color and its delicious!

Real Life Reslers: Thanks for popping in and commenting! I'll glady come visit you. :)