Thursday, January 29, 2009

The leg bone's connected to the knee bone...and the knee bone connected to the thigh bone...

So tomorrow's the big day.
At 12:45 p.m., this girl is checking in to have the biggest inconvenience I've yet to experience in life rectified. (Truthfully, if this is the first thing I've come up against at this age -- I'm doing pretty damn good!)

I am so excited, and can't wait to get back to running & yoga as soon as I possibly can.
(In a healthy and "not rushing" kind of way. I don't want to ruin anything.)

Besides, look at the Captain; he had the same kind of surgery and he came back able to squat for hours on end no problem. I think I will be just fine.

(Note to Jason - if you have any recovery tips...exercise plans, etc...feel free to pass them my way!)

My cousin was nice enough to offer to pick me up, take me there, and bring me home. Which is great because that allows G to be with the kids so when I get home, it will be easier for him to keep them calm - than if we had a sitter with them and we both came in. They're not used to my not being home, so I'm sure they're going to be both a little nervous and excited.

My son remembers being at the hospital when I had my daughter - and it was a Csection, so he was there when I came out of the operating room; his eyes were wide as saucers, he was excited -- but nervous. He was afraid to leave me at the hospital the first night...even though now he's older and is okay with it - he still gets cautious about my going to the hospital. He will be much more relieved once I get home and he can see me.

Anyway. I am so ready to put this knee injury behind me....


Rebecca said...

Good luck with everything!! Hope the recovery isn't too painful (at least with the right drugs!!! LOL)

Susan said...

Good luck!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Thinking of you & hoping that all goes successfully. (And may there be happy Tek news awaiting you upon your awakening.)

Anonymous said...


Good Luck with the surgery. The good news is Tek has resigned with the Sox so you can think about those happy thoughts as you recover:)